Harry McElhone
One of the most famous and productive bartenders, bar owners, and mixologists ever; owned and operated Harry’s Bar in Paris
McElhone (pronounced mc-EL-hone) rose to prominance in post-WW1 London, particularly at Ciro’s Club. In 1921, he published the first edition of his book “Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails”, which went on to some twelve editions over the next thirty years. This work was later heavily plagiarized by Harry Craddock and Patrick Gavin Duffy. In 1923, McElhone purchased the New York Bar in Paris, where he had worked many years earlier, renamed it Harry’s New York Bar, and ran it for the rest of his life (except for another stint in London during WW2). His 1927 book, “Barflies and Cocktails”, was an alternate version of his “ABC” books specific to marketing his Paris bar. McElhone is credited or partially-credited with creating and/or popularizing many well-known cocktails, and is the de facto inventor of modern bar marketing. McElhone produced vast quantities of merchandise promoting his bar (including the aforementioned books) and achieved great success making Harry’s a popular destination.