dry gin and French vermouth (later, a pickled onion garnish became standard)
The first fetishistic Dry Martini to achieve fame, from the Bohemian Club, San Francisco, 1898. The essential distinction was no bitters. An onion garnish began to appear in the Gibson in the 1920s.

The original Gibson, such as shown above (from Boothby’s 1904 book), is no more this:
Stir with cracked ice:
- 1 oz dry vermouth
- 1 oz dry gin
Strain into a cocktail glass.
Since the 1920’s, the drink is generally made as a Dry Martini to fit the preferences of the drinker, but garnished with a pickled onion instead of an olive or twist.
Oxford Companion to Spirits and Cocktails, p. 314, 516–7; barware icons courtesy of Haus Alpenz