egg (whole), sugar, and spirits (and sometimes nutmeg or cream), shaken vigorously with ice and strained
A class of rich American mixed iced drink from the 1870s taking its name from a Colonial-era drink but perhaps more direct inspiration from Egg Nogg; the form enjoyed some popularity until World War II, particularly the Brandy Flip and Sherry Flip.

Shown, above, is a set of flip recipes from the 1874 “The American Bartender”, credited to E. A. Simmons of French’s hotel in downtown New York City. (Remember, where it says “Gin”, it means genever.) The brandy and sherry versions were the most popular. The procedure:
Shake (thoroughly) with ice:
- 2 oz brandy, sherry, straight rye, bourbon, or genever
- 2 bar spoons (1 tsp) superfine sugar
- 1 whole egg
Strain into a glass
Garnish with grated nutmeg
Oxford Companion to Spirits and Cocktails, p. 286–7; barware icons courtesy of Haus Alpenz