spirits (typically genever or Old Tom), lemon juice, sugar, ice, and maybe a touch of liqueur
A class of mixed drink from the 1840s—a simple, iced, single-serving punch of served American-style in a small bar glass, with a fruit garnish. Precursor of the Bramble and (arguably) various on-the-rocks drinks.

The shown Fix recipe is from the 1862 Jerry Thomas book, and the gin would be genever (“Holland Gin”). Brandy, rum, and whiskey versions were also commonly listed. The basic template:
Gin Fix
Prepare a double rocks glass.
- juice of 1/2 lemon
- 2 bar spoons superfine sugar
- 1 splash water
Stir to dissolve the sugar
Add 2 oz genever (or the spirit of your choice)
Fill with crushed ice
Garnish with fruit
Oxford Companion to Spirits and Cocktails, p. 279; barware icons courtesy of Haus Alpenz