wine (less commonly, spirits), sugar, ice (generally shaken with, and garnished with fruit)
A key class of American mixed drink, apparently originating in New York, and one of the most popular in the country from the 1840s until around 1900, particularly in the form of the Sherry Cobbler. The cobbler is also closely connected to the popularization of the drinking straw, being one of the first broadly-popular, heavily-iced drinks.

Above is a plate from Harry Johnson’s 1900 book, illustrating the 19th Century’s famous pair of crushed ice sippers. Although the Sherry Cobbler was king of the cobblers, other recipes abound, such as the Champagne Cobbler, Catawba Cobbler, Hock Cobbler, Claret Cobbler, and Sauterne Cobbler, Whiskey Cobbler, Coffee Cobbler, Tea Cobbler, Swedish Punch Cobbler, and others. Here is Mr. Johnson’s sophisticated take on the Whiskey Cobbler:
Whiskey Cobbler
Build in a bar glass:
- 1–2 bar spoons superfine sugar
- 1 1/2 tsp pineapple syrup
- 1 oz water or seltzer
Stir to dissolve.
Fill with cracked ice.
Add 2 oz bourbon or straight rye.
Garnish with fruit.
Serve with a straw.
Oxford Companion to Spirits and Cocktails, p. 159–60; barware icons courtesy of Haus Alpenz